
The LED Blink application with SMD Motor Driver and LED Module Add-on is a Python-based project that enables users to control the blinking of an LED through Acrome SMD. This project is designed for simplicity, making it an ideal starting point for those looking to experiment with hardware control using Python.

Projecct Media:

Project Key Components:

  1. SMD Motor Driver:

    • The SMD Motor Driver serves as the bridge between the Python program and the LED module. It is responsible for interpreting the commands sent by the Python script and translating them into actions that drive the LED.

  2. LED Module Add-on:

    • An additional LED module is connected to the SMD Motor Driver. This module could be designed to emit various colors, allowing users to experiment with different lighting effects.

  3. Python Script:

    • The Python script is the core of the application. It communicates with the SMD Motor Driver through a designated communication protocol, sending commands to turn the LED on or off, adjust brightness, or set a specific blinking pattern.

Project Key Features:

  • Blinking Patterns:

    • The application supports various blinking patterns, such as steady on, slow blink, fast blink, and random patterns. Users can easily modify the script to create custom patterns.

  • Brightness Control:

    • The brightness of the LED can be adjusted dynamically through the Python script. This feature adds an extra layer of customization to the lighting effects.

Project Wiring Diagram:

Getting Started:

  1. Hardware Setup:

    • Connect the SMD Motor Driver to the LED module according to the provided documentation.

    • Ensure that all connections are secure and that the hardware is powered appropriately.

  2. Run the Python Script:

    • Execute the Python script on your computer. This will establish communication with the SMD Motor Driver and initiate control over the LED module.

  3. Experiment and Customize:

    • Explore different blinking patterns, adjust brightness levels, and customize the LED effects to suit your preferences.

Project Codes:

from import*
import time
port = "COM18"
m = Master(port)


while True:
    light = m.set_rgb(0, 1, red = 255, green = 0, blue = 0)
    light = m.set_rgb(0, 1, red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0)

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