Brushed DC Motor Driver

ACROME SMD RED - DC Motor Driver

This board is meticulously engineered to simplify the control of DC motors in mobile robots, making it an indispensable asset in your robotics toolkit.

At the heart of its adaptability lies compatibility with a diverse range of applications, supporting a broad range of different SMD Modules. This flexibility allows you to tailor the board to meet the unique requirements of your motion projects.

Unlocking a new level of scalability, our motor driver board facilitates a synchronized network for efficient motor control by accommodating up to 250 SMD-RED PCBs through the RS-485 BUS. This unparalleled scalability empowers you to tackle large-scale projects with ease, ensuring synchronized and coordinated motor control across the network.

Simplify your power management with the onboard power connectors, providing a convenient solution for chaining power lines. This streamlined approach enhances the efficiency of your motor control setup, allowing for seamless integration and operation.

In summary, our motor driver board is more than just a technological marvel; it's a solution that elevates your motor control projects to new heights. With unmatched performance, adaptability, and scalability, this board sets a new standard in the world of motor control technology, promising to be the cornerstone of your most ambitious projects.


The ACROME SMD - DC Motor Driver board is packed with features designed to optimize your robotics projects:

Autotune Function: - Autotune function that optimizes the performance of the DC motor, ensuring that it operates at its best - Choice between aggressive optimization using the Ziegler-Nichols method or more gradual optimization using the Cohen-Coon method, depending on the specific requirements of the robot project

Synchronization Capability: - Ability to synchronize multiple ACROME SMD - DC Motor Driver boards for controlling multiple motors simultaneously The ACROME SMD - DC Motor Driver board has the capability to work in synchronization with the RS-485 protocol, This enhances its versatility as a solution for many system development, as RS-485 is a commonly used communication protocol in industrial applications.


The ACROME SMD - DC Motor Driver board offers a range of benefits that make it a standout choice for mobile robot development:

  • Versatile and powerful solution for mobile robot development

  • Auto-tune feature makes controlling and optimizing DC motor’s performance easier

  • Daisy chaining allows efficient control of multiple motors, simplifying complex robotics and automation tasks

SMD Inputs and Outputs


As seen on the image below, the SMD RED has two power ports, two RS-485 ports for connection between SMD REDs, one I2C port for sensor connection and an actuator port. For a detailed map of ports please check out SMD RED Ports Map

SMD RED Ports Map

Product Features

Communication Protocol

1. Registers

1.1. Device ID--

Within the framework of Actuator configuration, users possess the capability to modify the Actuator's identification by manipulating the designated register. It is imperative to note that the Actuator boards do not autonomously scrutinize the bus for duplicated ID addresses. Consequently, users are advised to exercise caution to prevent inadvertent duplication of IDs within the bus. The permissible range for values within this register spans from 0 to 254, with 0xFF specifically reserved for broadcast commands.

Crucially, users seeking to alter the device ID must initiate a reset of the Torque Enable register. It is essential to underscore that if a command to modify this value is received while the Torque Enable register is activated, the Actuator will discard the command, thereby preventing any unintended alterations. This precaution ensures that changes to the Actuator's ID are executed under controlled conditions, mitigating the risk of inadvertent adjustments during active torque-enabled states.

1.2. Baud Rate

Empowering users with flexible communication options, our Actuator system allows the selection of a baud rate within the expansive range of 1527 to 6250000 for seamless interaction with Actuator boards on the bus. It's essential to emphasize that prior configuration of each Actuator is necessary to synchronize its communication speed with the chosen baud rate. The default baud rate stands at 115200, providing a stable and widely accepted starting point.

Users are encouraged to carefully choose their desired baud rate within the specified range to align with their specific application requirements. This capability ensures adaptability across various scenarios, allowing for optimized communication based on individual needs. The Actuator's responsiveness and efficiency are thus enhanced, reflecting our commitment to providing a user-centric and customizable experience in managing communication speeds within the Actuator system.

Ensuring a seamless transition in baud rate configurations, users are required to perform a reset of the Torque Enable register when contemplating a change. This precautionary step is vital to maintain the integrity of the communication process. It is imperative to note that attempts to alter this value while the Torque Enable register is activated will result in the Actuator discarding the command. Consequently, no adjustments to the baud rate will be executed during an active torque-enabled state.

Furthermore, users are advised to exercise prudence in their selection of baud rates when configuring this register. Prioritizing well-known baud rates is recommended to promote compatibility and reliability in communication. In instances where users opt for arbitrary baud rates, it becomes essential to ensure that their devices are equipped to support these specific rates. Even then, users must remain cognizant of the potential for arbitrary selections to surpass the acceptable discrepancy percentage that the UART peripheral can effectively handle. This nuanced consideration underscores the importance of strategic and informed decision-making in baud rate configuration for optimal performance.

1.3. Status

The Error Flags Register serves as a crucial repository for identifying and addressing potential issues within the Actuator, providing users with a tool for efficient error management. This register is instrumental in the error-clearing process, particularly in conjunction with the Error Clear command. Let's delve into the specific error flags and their implications:

  1. Input Voltage Error: This flag is triggered when the Actuator's input voltage exceeds the user-configurable maximum or falls below the user-configurable minimum thresholds. Activation of this flag mandates the Actuator to disable its torque output until the input voltage is within acceptable bounds.

  2. Overheat Error: Activated when the temperature of the Actuator surpasses the user-configurable temperature limit, the Overheat Error flag prompts the Actuator to disable torque output until the temperature returns to acceptable levels.

  3. Overload Error: This flag is raised when the current flowing through the motor driver exceeds the user-configurable torque limit. The Actuator responds by disabling torque output until the current falls within acceptable limits.

  4. Encoder Error: Triggered when the Actuator encounters difficulties gathering encoder information over a specified time period while applying power to the motor, the Encoder Error flag leads to the Actuator disabling torque output until the issue is resolved.

  5. Communication Error: This informative flag is set when the Actuator receives a faulty package. While it doesn't impact the Actuator's operations, it serves as a valuable indicator for users to be aware of potential communication issues.

  6. Flash Error: Raised when the Actuator encounters difficulties reading from or writing to EEPROM, the Flash Error flag signals users to check parameters for potential misconfigurations. In cases of EEPROM reading failure, the Actuator automatically resets to factory default parameters.

Effectively utilizing and interpreting the information within the Error Flags Register enables users to proactively address and resolve issues, ensuring the optimal performance and longevity of the Actuator in diverse operational scenarios.

Certainly, here is a reference table outlining the read and write operations on the Error Flags Register:

1.4. Operation Mode

Users have the flexibility to tailor the operational characteristics of the Actuator by selecting from the following modes:

  1. Position Control Mode (Default): In this mode, the Actuator executes movements based on parameters configured for position control. Users can precisely dictate the Actuator's motion to reach specific positions. To activate this mode, set the Operation Mode register to 0x00.

  2. Velocity Control Mode: Opting for Velocity Control Mode directs the Actuator to move in accordance with parameters governing velocity control. Users have the capability to configure the Actuator for continuous motion at a desired velocity. To initiate this mode, set the Operation Mode register to 0x01.

  3. Torque Control Mode: By selecting Torque Control Mode, users empower the Actuator to execute movements based on torque control parameters. This mode allows users to configure the Actuator for motion with a constant torque. To activate Torque Control Mode, set the Operation Mode register to 0x02.

These distinct operation modes cater to a diverse range of applications and user requirements, providing a dynamic platform for optimizing the Actuator's performance in varied scenarios. The ease with which users can switch between these modes and configure specific parameters underscores the Actuator's adaptability to diverse tasks and ensures seamless integration into a multitude of control systems.

1.5. Temperature Limit

Empowering users with the ability to tailor the Actuator board's thermal management, the upper temperature limit can be precisely configured to a specific value. This configurable parameter is represented in Celsius degrees and spans a range from 0 to 255. By adjusting this register, users gain control over the Actuator's thermal thresholds, allowing for a fine-tuned approach to temperature regulation based on the unique demands of their applications. This feature ensures that users can optimize the Actuator's performance in diverse environmental conditions, maintaining a balance between operational efficiency and thermal considerations. The user-friendly configurability of the upper temperature limit register provides a valuable tool for enhancing the reliability and longevity of the Actuator in various operational contexts.

1.6. Torque Enable

The Motor Driver Output Control Register puts users in direct command of the Actuator's motor driver output. By simply writing a '1,' users can enable the motor driver output, facilitating the propulsion of the Actuator. Conversely, inputting '0' to this register will effectively disable the motor driver output, bringing the Actuator to a halt. This straightforward and intuitive control mechanism provides users with immediate authority over the Actuator's motor functions, offering a seamless means to enable or disable the motor driver output according to the operational requirements at hand. Such precision in control ensures that users can orchestrate the Actuator's movements with efficiency and responsiveness in diverse applications.

1.7. Autotuner Enable

The Autotuner Control Register serves as the gateway to an enhanced tuning experience for users. By simply writing a '1' to this register, users can enable the autotuner, initiating the process of fine-tuning parameters for optimal performance. Furthermore, users are granted the flexibility to select from various autotuner methods, tailoring the tuning process to their specific needs and preferences. This user-friendly control mechanism ensures that users can effortlessly engage the autotuner and customize the tuning approach, empowering them to achieve the ideal configuration for the Actuator's operation. The Autotuner Control Register thus stands as a pivotal tool in optimizing performance, providing users with the means to fine-tune the Actuator with precision and ease.

1.8. Minimum Voltage Limit

The Input Voltage Limit Register plays a critical role in safeguarding the Actuator's motor driver output. If the input voltage of the Actuator falls below the value set in this register, the motor driver output will be automatically disabled. This user-configurable register allows individuals to tailor the voltage threshold based on their specific requirements and operational constraints. Ranging from 0 to 65535, this register accepts values representing the voltage limit in millivolts. The versatility of this feature empowers users to define precise voltage limits, ensuring that the Actuator's motor driver remains active only within the specified voltage range, thereby contributing to the overall reliability and safety of the Actuator system.

1.9. Maximum Voltage Limit

The Input Voltage Upper Limit Register assumes a crucial role in maintaining the stability of the Actuator's operation. If the input voltage surpasses the value specified in this register, the motor driver output of the Actuator will be automatically disabled. This user-configurable register provides individuals with the flexibility to set the voltage threshold according to their unique operational requirements. Spanning a range from 0 to 65535, this register accepts values that signify the upper limit of voltage in millivolts. The ability to precisely configure this limit empowers users to establish stringent safeguards, ensuring that the Actuator's motor driver output is deactivated when the input voltage exceeds the designated threshold. This feature contributes significantly to the Actuator's reliability and protects it from potential issues associated with elevated input voltages.

1.10. Torque Limit Index

The Current Limit Register assumes a pivotal role in the safeguarding mechanisms of the Actuator, specifically governing the motor driver output. If the absolute current flowing through the motor exceeds the value configured in this register, the motor driver output will be promptly disabled. This user-configurable register empowers individuals to tailor the current threshold in accordance with their specific operational requirements. Operating within a range from 0 to 65535, this register accepts values representing the current limit in milliamps. Notably, this register functions independently of the operation mode, ensuring its consistent scrutiny and enforcement across all operational states. The ability to finely tune the current limit enhances the Actuator's adaptability and reliability, allowing users to establish precise safeguards against excessive current flow in diverse motor-driven applications.

1.11. Velocity Limit Index

The Velocity Limit Register plays a pivotal role in governing the Actuator's motor output, specifically in relation to the absolute velocity of the motor. If the velocity surpasses the value configured in this register, the motor output will be swiftly disabled. This user-configurable register grants individuals the flexibility to fine-tune the velocity threshold to align with their specific operational requirements. Operating within a range from 0 to 65535, this register accepts values that signify the velocity limit in terms of encoder ticks per 100 milliseconds. Importantly, this register operates independently of the operation mode, ensuring consistent and vigilant monitoring in any operational state. The adaptability provided by this feature allows users to establish precise safeguards against excessive motor velocity, contributing to the Actuator's reliability and performance across diverse applications.

1.12. Autotuner Methods

Users can select the preferred Autotuner method of the Actuator between the methods listed below:

  • Ziegler Nichols

  • Cohen Coon

! Torque and autotuner must be enabled before choosing a method.

Ziegler Nichols Method

Opting for the Ziegler-Nichols method enables the Actuator to fine-tune its control parameters based on this classic autotuning technique. This method, known for its simplicity and effectiveness, is widely used in industrial control systems to achieve stable and responsive performance. To configure the Actuator to employ the Ziegler-Nichols Method, the user should set the Autotuner Method Register to 0x02.

Cohen Coon

Selecting the Cohen-Coon method directs the Actuator to tune its control parameters using this established autotuning approach. The Cohen-Coon method is recognized for its ability to optimize control loops efficiently, particularly in systems with varying dynamics. To configure the Actuator to utilize the Cohen-Coon Method, users should set the Autotuner Method Register to 0x03.

These Autotuner methods, based on well-established control tuning techniques, provide users with additional options to tailor the Actuator's performance according to the specific characteristics and demands of their applications. The flexibility to choose from these methods enhances the Actuator's adaptability and efficiency in diverse control scenarios.

1.13. Position Control Feed Forward

The Feed Forward Parameter Register assumes a pivotal role in the implementation of the PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) algorithm for precise position control. Specifically tailored for influencing the feed-forward component of the PID controller, this register allows users to configure a crucial parameter that contributes to the Actuator's responsiveness and accuracy in position control.

Users can fine-tune the feed-forward parameter, represented within the register, to optimize the Actuator's behavior in response to changes in desired positions. The feed-forward component proactively accounts for known disturbances or system dynamics, enhancing the Actuator's ability to predict and adapt to varying conditions during position control.

By adjusting this register, users gain control over the feed-forward behavior, allowing for a customized approach to position control that aligns with the specific requirements of their applications. This feature underscores the Actuator's adaptability and precision in achieving desired positions within a diverse range of operational scenarios.

1.14. Velocity Control Feed Forward

The Feed Forward Parameter Register assumes a critical role in the context of velocity control, representing a key component of the PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) algorithm. Tailored specifically for influencing the feed-forward aspect of the PID controller, this register allows users to configure a parameter crucial to the Actuator's responsiveness and accuracy in velocity control.

Within this register, users can finely adjust the feed-forward parameter, shaping the Actuator's behavior in response to changes in desired velocities. The feed-forward component proactively accounts for anticipated disturbances or system dynamics, augmenting the Actuator's capacity to predict and adapt to variations during velocity control.

By manipulating this register, users gain control over the feed-forward behavior, enabling a tailored approach to velocity control that aligns precisely with the unique demands of their applications. This feature highlights the Actuator's adaptability and precision in achieving desired velocities across diverse operational scenarios.

1.15. Torque Control Feed Forward

The Feed Forward Parameter Register takes center stage as a pivotal element within the PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) algorithm, specifically designed for torque control applications. Within this register, users hold the capability to configure a key parameter influencing the feed-forward component of the PID controller, thereby shaping the Actuator's responsiveness and accuracy in torque control.

As users fine-tune this register, they exercise control over the feed-forward parameter, customizing the Actuator's behavior in response to changes in desired torque levels. The feed-forward component plays a crucial role in anticipating and addressing disturbances or system dynamics proactively, enhancing the Actuator's ability to predict and adapt to variations during torque control.

This level of configurability within the Feed Forward Parameter Register empowers users to tailor the Actuator's torque control precisely to the demands of their applications. It exemplifies the Actuator's adaptability and precision, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency in achieving desired torque levels across a spectrum of operational scenarios.

1.16. Position Control Scaler Gain

The Scaler Gain Parameter Register assumes a critical role within the PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) algorithm, specifically tailored for position control applications. This register provides users with the ability to configure a pivotal parameter influencing the scaler gain component of the PID controller, contributing to the Actuator's precision and responsiveness in achieving and maintaining desired positions.

As users manipulate this register, they gain control over the scaler gain parameter, allowing for fine-tuning of the Actuator's behavior in response to changes in desired positions. The scaler gain component plays a crucial role in determining the magnitude of the proportional term's impact on the control output, influencing the system's responsiveness and stability during position control.

This configurability within the Scaler Gain Parameter Register empowers users to customize the Actuator's position control with precision, aligning it with the unique demands of their applications. It underscores the Actuator's adaptability and accuracy, ensuring optimal performance in achieving and maintaining desired positions across a range of operational scenarios.

1.17. Position Control P Gain

The Kp (Proportional Gain) Parameter Register is a key component within the PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) algorithm, specifically tailored for position control applications. This register provides users with the ability to configure the proportional gain parameter, denoted as Kp, which plays a crucial role in shaping the Actuator's precision and responsiveness in achieving and maintaining desired positions.

As users adjust this register, they exert control over the Kp parameter, influencing the proportional term's impact on the control output during position control. The Kp parameter is integral in determining the system's responsiveness to errors, enabling the Actuator to efficiently adjust its position in response to deviations from the desired setpoint.

Configuring the Kp Parameter Register empowers users to fine-tune the Actuator's position control with precision, aligning it precisely with the unique demands of their applications. This flexibility underscores the Actuator's adaptability and accuracy, ensuring optimal performance in achieving and maintaining desired positions across various operational scenarios.

1.18. Position Control I Gain

The Ki (Integral Gain) Parameter Register plays a crucial role within the PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) algorithm, specifically designed for position control applications. This register provides users with the capability to configure the integral gain parameter, denoted as Ki, which is instrumental in shaping the Actuator's precision and responsiveness in achieving and maintaining desired positions.

As users adjust this register, they exert control over the Ki parameter, influencing the integral term's contribution to the control output during position control. The Ki parameter is essential for addressing and eliminating any accumulated error over time, allowing the Actuator to enhance its ability to reach and maintain the desired position accurately.

Configuring the Ki Parameter Register empowers users to fine-tune the Actuator's position control with precision, aligning it precisely with the unique demands of their applications. This flexibility underscores the Actuator's adaptability and accuracy, ensuring optimal performance in achieving and sustaining desired positions across various operational scenarios.

1.19. Position Control D Gain

The Kd (Derivative Gain) Parameter Register stands as a critical component within the PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) algorithm, specifically tailored for position control applications. This register empowers users to configure the derivative gain parameter, denoted as Kd, which plays a pivotal role in shaping the Actuator's precision and responsiveness in achieving and maintaining desired positions.

As users manipulate this register, they gain control over the Kd parameter, influencing the derivative term's impact on the control output during position control. The Kd parameter is essential for addressing and mitigating the rate of change of the error signal, contributing to the Actuator's ability to respond effectively to changes in position setpoints.

Configuring the Kd Parameter Register allows users to fine-tune the Actuator's position control with precision, aligning it precisely with the unique demands of their applications. This flexibility underscores the Actuator's adaptability and accuracy, ensuring optimal performance in achieving and sustaining desired positions across various operational scenarios.

1.20. Velocity Control Scaler Gain

The Scaler Gain Parameter Register assumes a crucial role within the PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) algorithm, specifically tailored for velocity control applications. This register provides users with the capability to configure a pivotal parameter influencing the scaler gain component of the PID controller, contributing to the Actuator's precision and responsiveness in achieving and maintaining desired velocities.

As users manipulate this register, they gain control over the scaler gain parameter, allowing for fine-tuning of the Actuator's behavior in response to changes in desired velocities. The scaler gain component plays a crucial role in determining the magnitude of the proportional term's impact on the control output, influencing the system's responsiveness and stability during velocity control.

Configuring the Scaler Gain Parameter Register empowers users to customize the Actuator's velocity control with precision, aligning it with the unique demands of their applications. This flexibility underscores the Actuator's adaptability and accuracy, ensuring optimal performance in achieving and maintaining desired velocities across a range of operational scenarios.

1.21. Velocity Control P Gain

The Kp (Proportional Gain) Parameter Register is a fundamental component within the PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) algorithm, specifically designed for velocity control applications. This register enables users to configure the proportional gain parameter, denoted as Kp, which is pivotal in shaping the Actuator's precision and responsiveness in achieving and maintaining desired velocities.

As users manipulate this register, they exert control over the Kp parameter, influencing the proportional term's impact on the control output during velocity control. The Kp parameter is integral in determining the system's responsiveness to errors, allowing the Actuator to efficiently adjust its velocity in response to deviations from the desired setpoint.

Configuring the Kp Parameter Register empowers users to fine-tune the Actuator's velocity control with precision, aligning it precisely with the unique demands of their applications. This flexibility underscores the Actuator's adaptability and accuracy, ensuring optimal performance in achieving and maintaining desired velocities across various operational scenarios.

1.22. Velocity Control I Gain

The Ki (Integral Gain) Parameter Register assumes a crucial role within the PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) algorithm, specifically tailored for velocity control applications. This register provides users with the capability to configure the integral gain parameter, denoted as Ki, which plays a pivotal role in shaping the Actuator's precision and responsiveness in achieving and maintaining desired velocities.

As users adjust this register, they exert control over the Ki parameter, influencing the integral term's contribution to the control output during velocity control. The Ki parameter is essential for addressing and eliminating any accumulated error over time, allowing the Actuator to enhance its ability to reach and maintain the desired velocity accurately.

Configuring the Ki Parameter Register empowers users to fine-tune the Actuator's velocity control with precision, aligning it precisely with the unique demands of their applications. This flexibility underscores the Actuator's adaptability and accuracy, ensuring optimal performance in achieving and sustaining desired velocities across various operational scenarios.

1.23. Velocity Control D Gain

The Kd (Derivative Gain) Parameter Register is a critical component within the PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) algorithm, specifically designed for velocity control applications. This register allows users to configure the derivative gain parameter, denoted as Kd, which plays a pivotal role in shaping the Actuator's precision and responsiveness in achieving and maintaining desired velocities.

As users manipulate this register, they gain control over the Kd parameter, influencing the derivative term's impact on the control output during velocity control. The Kd parameter is essential for addressing and mitigating the rate of change of the error signal, contributing to the Actuator's ability to respond effectively to changes in velocity setpoints.

Configuring the Kd Parameter Register empowers users to fine-tune the Actuator's velocity control with precision, aligning it precisely with the unique demands of their applications. This flexibility underscores the Actuator's adaptability and accuracy, ensuring optimal performance in achieving and sustaining desired velocities across various operational scenarios.

1.24. Torque Control Scaler Gain

The Scaler Gain Parameter Register holds significant importance in the PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) algorithm, specifically tailored for torque control applications. This register provides users with the capability to configure a critical parameter influencing the scaler gain component of the PID controller, contributing to the Actuator's precision and responsiveness in achieving and maintaining desired torque levels.

As users adjust this register, they gain control over the scaler gain parameter, allowing for fine-tuning of the Actuator's behavior in response to changes in desired torque levels. The scaler gain component plays a crucial role in determining the magnitude of the proportional term's impact on the control output, influencing the system's responsiveness and stability during torque control.

Configuring the Scaler Gain Parameter Register empowers users to customize the Actuator's torque control with precision, aligning it with the unique demands of their applications. This flexibility underscores the Actuator's adaptability and accuracy, ensuring optimal performance in achieving and maintaining desired torque levels across a spectrum of operational scenarios.

1.25. Torque Control P Gain

The Kp (Proportional Gain) Parameter Register is a crucial component within the PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) algorithm, specifically designed for torque control applications. This register provides users with the capability to configure the proportional gain parameter, denoted as Kp, which is instrumental in shaping the Actuator's precision and responsiveness in achieving and maintaining desired torque levels.

As users manipulate this register, they exert control over the Kp parameter, influencing the proportional term's impact on the control output during torque control. The Kp parameter is integral in determining the system's responsiveness to errors, allowing the Actuator to efficiently adjust its torque output in response to deviations from the desired setpoint.

Configuring the Kp Parameter Register empowers users to fine-tune the Actuator's torque control with precision, aligning it precisely with the unique demands of their applications. This flexibility underscores the Actuator's adaptability and accuracy, ensuring optimal performance in achieving and maintaining desired torque levels across various operational scenarios.

1.26. Torque Control I Gain

The Ki (Integral Gain) Parameter Register assumes a crucial role within the PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) algorithm, specifically tailored for torque control applications. This register provides users with the capability to configure the integral gain parameter, denoted as Ki, which plays a pivotal role in shaping the Actuator's precision and responsiveness in achieving and maintaining desired torque levels.

As users adjust this register, they exert control over the Ki parameter, influencing the integral term's contribution to the control output during torque control. The Ki parameter is essential for addressing and eliminating any accumulated error over time, allowing the Actuator to enhance its ability to reach and maintain the desired torque accurately.

Configuring the Ki Parameter Register empowers users to fine-tune the Actuator's torque control with precision, aligning it precisely with the unique demands of their applications. This flexibility underscores the Actuator's adaptability and accuracy, ensuring optimal performance in achieving and sustaining desired torque levels across various operational scenarios.

1.27. Torque Control D Gain

The Kd (Derivative Gain) Parameter Register is a critical component within the PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) algorithm, specifically designed for torque control applications. This register allows users to configure the derivative gain parameter, denoted as Kd, which plays a pivotal role in shaping the Actuator's precision and responsiveness in achieving and maintaining desired torque levels.

As users manipulate this register, they gain control over the Kd parameter, influencing the derivative term's impact on the control output during torque control. The Kd parameter is essential for addressing and mitigating the rate of change of the error signal, contributing to the Actuator's ability to respond effectively to changes in torque setpoints.

Configuring the Kd Parameter Register empowers users to fine-tune the Actuator's torque control with precision, aligning it precisely with the unique demands of their applications. This flexibility underscores the Actuator's adaptability and accuracy, ensuring optimal performance in achieving and sustaining desired torque levels across various operational scenarios.

1.28. Home Offset

The Zero Point Offset Register assumes a crucial role in the position control algorithm, offering users the capability to adjust the zero point to a desired position. When this parameter is configured with a specific value, the motor responds by moving to provide the designated offset. However, it's important to note that the Torque Enable Register must be enabled to activate this functionality.

By setting the Zero Point Offset Register, users introduce a convenient mechanism to establish a reference point or shift the starting position of the motor. This feature proves valuable in scenarios where a specific initial position or offset is required, allowing for precise control over the motor's starting point.

The interplay between the Zero Point Offset Register and the Torque Enable Register ensures that users have the flexibility to customize the motor's behavior, aligning it with the unique requirements of their applications. This capability enhances the versatility of the position control algorithm, offering users a powerful tool to tailor the motor's response to their specific needs.

The optimal utilization of this parameter involves a two-step process to achieve precise control over the motor's position without triggering unintended movements. The recommended approach is as follows:

  1. Initial Motor Movement:

    • First, use the Zero Point Offset Register to move the motor to the desired offset position without changing the offset value.

    • This initial movement establishes the baseline position of the motor in accordance with the current offset.

  2. Change Offset to Desired Value:

    • Once the motor is positioned at the desired offset, modify the Zero Point Offset Register to set the offset to the desired value.

    • Changing the register at this stage will not trigger additional movement, as the motor is already at the desired offset position.

By adopting this two-step process, users can ensure precision and prevent unintended movements when adjusting the Zero Point Offset Register. This approach aligns with best practices for achieving accurate and controlled positioning without unnecessary motor adjustments, enhancing the overall reliability and effectiveness of the position control algorithm.

1.29. Minimum Position

The Software Limit Switch Register provides users with a valuable tool to configure a limit for the Actuator's position within the negative direction during position control operation mode. When the Actuator's position reaches the specified value in this register, it will cease further movement in the negative direction. It's important to note that this parameter is specifically bound to the position control operation mode, and its constraints will not be applied while the Actuator operates in other modes.

By setting the Software Limit Switch Register, users can establish a defined boundary for the Actuator's movement, preventing it from surpassing the specified position threshold in the negative direction. This feature proves particularly useful in applications where it is critical to limit the range of motion to avoid collisions, optimize operation within a specific range, or adhere to mechanical constraints.

The exclusive association with the position control operation mode ensures that the Software Limit Switch provides targeted control without affecting the Actuator's behavior in other operational states, offering users a tailored solution for precise and controlled movement within a specified range.

1.30. Maximum Position

The Software Limit Switch Register empowers users to configure a limit for the Actuator's position within the positive direction during position control operation mode. Once the Actuator's position reaches the specified value in this register, further movement in the positive direction will be restricted. It's crucial to understand that this parameter is exclusively bound to the position control operation mode and won't be evaluated while the Actuator operates in other modes.

By setting the Software Limit Switch Register, users can establish a precise boundary for the Actuator's movement, preventing it from exceeding the specified position threshold in the positive direction. This feature is especially valuable in applications where defining the permissible range of motion is critical to avoid collisions, optimize operation within specific bounds, or comply with mechanical constraints.

The targeted association with the position control operation mode ensures that the Software Limit Switch provides focused control without impacting the Actuator's behavior in alternative operational states. This level of customization offers users a tailored solution for achieving precise and controlled movement within a specified positive range.

1.31. Position Control Setpoint

The Position Setpoint Register serves as a crucial parameter in the position control algorithm, representing the desired setpoint or target position for the Actuator. The register's range spans from 0 to 65535, providing users with a broad spectrum of position values to configure.

By adjusting the Position Setpoint Register, users effectively communicate the desired position to which they want the Actuator to move. This parameter plays a fundamental role in the position control algorithm, serving as a reference point for the Actuator's movements. The Actuator will endeavor to reach and maintain the specified position setpoint, aligning with the user's intended operational requirements.

The expansive range of 0 to 65535 offers flexibility in defining precise positions, enabling users to adapt the Actuator's behavior to a wide array of applications with varying positional needs. Whether fine-tuning positions for accuracy or orchestrating complex motion sequences, the Position Setpoint Register stands as a key tool for achieving the desired outcomes in position control.

1.32. Velocity Control Setpoint

The Velocity Setpoint Register is a pivotal parameter in the velocity control algorithm, dictating the desired target velocity for the Actuator. Spanning a range from 0 to 65535, this register provides users with a broad spectrum of velocity values to configure, allowing for precise control over the Actuator's speed.

By adjusting the Velocity Setpoint Register, users effectively communicate the desired velocity at which they want the Actuator to move. This parameter plays a fundamental role in the velocity control algorithm, serving as a reference point for the Actuator's speed. The Actuator will strive to reach and maintain the specified velocity setpoint, aligning its movements with the user's intended operational requirements.

The expansive range of 0 to 65535 offers flexibility in defining a wide array of velocities, enabling users to adapt the Actuator's behavior to various applications with distinct speed requirements. Whether orchestrating gradual accelerations or maintaining constant speeds, the Velocity Setpoint Register stands as a key tool for achieving precise outcomes in velocity control.

1.33. Torque Control Setpoint

The Torque Setpoint Register plays a crucial role in the torque control algorithm, representing the desired target torque for the Actuator. Ranging from 0 to 5000, this register allows users to configure a spectrum of torque values, providing precise control over the Actuator's torque output.

Adjusting the Torque Setpoint Register enables users to communicate the desired torque level at which they want the Actuator to operate. This parameter is fundamental in the torque control algorithm, serving as a reference point for the Actuator's torque output. The Actuator will strive to reach and maintain the specified torque setpoint, aligning its torque generation with the user's intended operational requirements.

The specified range of 0 to 5000 provides flexibility in defining a variety of torque levels, allowing users to adapt the Actuator's behavior to diverse applications with distinct torque requirements. Whether seeking high torque for robust movements or fine-tuning torque for delicate operations, the Torque Setpoint Register is a key tool for achieving precise outcomes in torque control.

1.34. Buzzer Enable

The Buzzer Request Register serves as a communication interface, allowing users to send requests to the buzzer module. By writing specific values to this register, users can trigger the buzzer module to produce audible signals, alerts, or other acoustic notifications based on the predefined functionality associated with those values.

The Buzzer Request Register acts as a control mechanism, providing users with a means to interact with and influence the behavior of the buzzer module. This feature proves useful in applications where audio cues or alarms are integral for signaling specific events, status changes, or user interactions.

By leveraging the Buzzer Request Register, users can seamlessly integrate acoustic feedback into their system, enhancing the overall user experience and improving the Actuator's communication capabilities. The register essentially acts as a conduit for instructing the buzzer module to emit sound based on the user's requirements or the system's operational conditions.

1.35. Present Position

The Encoder Ticks Register is a vital parameter that reflects the position of the motor, measured in encoder ticks, at a specific point in time. This register provides real-time feedback on the motor's rotational position, offering a precise numerical representation of the encoder ticks accumulated during the given time interval.

By monitoring the Encoder Ticks Register, users gain insight into the motor's movement and position changes with granularity measured in encoder ticks. Encoder ticks are discrete units of measurement that represent the rotational displacement of the motor, providing a reliable and quantifiable means of tracking the motor's angular position.

This register proves invaluable for applications where precise knowledge of the motor's position is essential, such as in robotics, automation, or any system that requires accurate control over rotational movements. The Encoder Ticks Register serves as a key element in closed-loop control systems, feedback mechanisms, and position-sensitive applications, enabling users to make informed decisions based on real-time positional data.

1.36. Present Velocity

The Velocity Register provides a real-time measurement of the motor's velocity, expressed in encoder ticks per 100 milliseconds. This register offers a precise numerical representation of the motor's speed at a specific point in time, allowing users to monitor and analyze the dynamic movement of the motor with a high level of granularity.

By observing the Velocity Register, users can track changes in motor speed and assess the performance of the motor in various operational scenarios. The unit of measurement, encoder ticks per 100 milliseconds, provides a standardized and consistent measure of velocity, making it suitable for applications that require accurate and responsive control over motor speed.

This register proves particularly valuable in applications such as robotics, automation, and motion control, where maintaining a specific velocity profile or achieving precise speed control is critical. The Velocity Register plays a key role in closed-loop control systems, feedback mechanisms, and any scenario where real-time velocity information is essential for optimal performance.

1.37. Present Current

The Torque Register provides a real-time measurement of the motor's torque, expressed in milliamps, at a specific point in time. This register offers a precise numerical representation of the torque generated by the motor, providing insight into the current force exerted by the motor during its operation.

Monitoring the Torque Register is essential in applications where knowledge of the motor's torque output is crucial, such as in robotics, automation, or any system that requires precise control over force exerted by the motor. The unit of measurement, milliamps, offers a standardized measure of torque, allowing users to assess the motor's performance and make informed decisions based on real-time torque data.

This register plays a vital role in closed-loop control systems, feedback mechanisms, and applications that demand accurate monitoring and adjustment of torque levels. The Torque Register is a key component for optimizing motor performance and ensuring that the motor operates within specified torque limits for safe and efficient functionality.

1.38. Present Voltage

The Input Voltage Register provides a real-time measurement of the Actuator's input voltage, expressed in millivolts, at a specific point in time. This register offers a precise numerical representation of the voltage level supplied to the Actuator, providing insight into the electrical conditions under which the Actuator is operating.

Monitoring the Input Voltage Register is essential in applications where knowledge of the Actuator's input voltage is crucial for assessing its power supply conditions. The unit of measurement, millivolts, offers a standardized measure of voltage, allowing users to evaluate the Actuator's performance and make informed decisions based on real-time voltage data.

This register plays a vital role in ensuring the Actuator operates within specified voltage limits, contributing to the overall safety and efficiency of the system. It is particularly valuable in scenarios where variations in input voltage can impact the Actuator's behavior and performance, allowing users to implement appropriate measures or adjustments as needed.

1.39. Present Temperature

The Circuit Board Temperature Register provides a real-time measurement of the temperature of the Actuator's circuit board, expressed in degrees Celsius, at a specific point in time. This register offers a precise numerical representation of the temperature, allowing users to monitor the thermal conditions of the Actuator during its operation.

Monitoring the Circuit Board Temperature Register is essential for applications where knowledge of the Actuator's temperature is crucial. The unit of measurement, degrees Celsius, provides a standardized measure of temperature, enabling users to assess the Actuator's thermal performance and make informed decisions based on real-time temperature data.

This register plays a critical role in ensuring the Actuator operates within specified temperature limits, preventing overheating and contributing to the overall safety and reliability of the system. It is particularly valuable in scenarios where temperature variations can impact the Actuator's components and performance, allowing users to implement appropriate thermal management strategies.

1.40. IMU

The Present Roll and Present Pitch Registers are components of an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensor, providing real-time measurements of the roll and pitch angles, respectively. These registers offer precise numerical representations of the orientation of the IMU sensor with respect to the horizontal plane.

  1. Present Roll Register:

    • This register holds the current roll angle of the IMU sensor, indicating the tilt or rotation of the sensor around its longitudinal axis. The roll angle is typically expressed in degrees or radians, providing information about the sensor's inclination relative to a reference axis.

  2. Present Pitch Register:

    • This register stores the present pitch angle of the IMU sensor, representing the tilt or rotation around its lateral axis. Similar to the roll angle, the pitch angle is usually measured in degrees or radians and indicates the sensor's orientation relative to the horizontal plane.

By accessing these registers, users can continuously monitor and track the orientation of the IMU sensor in real-time. These angles are crucial in applications such as robotics, drones, or any system where understanding the spatial orientation of the sensor is essential for accurate navigation, stabilization, or control.

1.41. Light Intensity

The Light Intensity Register provides a real-time measurement of the intensity of light, typically expressed in a suitable unit such as lux or another photometric unit. This register allows users to monitor and quantify the amount of light incident on the sensor at a specific point in time.

Applications that utilize light intensity measurements can benefit from this register. For example, in ambient light sensing, smart lighting systems, or environmental monitoring, understanding the light intensity provides valuable data for controlling illumination, adjusting displays, or making informed decisions based on varying light conditions.

Accessing the Light Intensity Register allows users to dynamically respond to changes in light levels, facilitating adaptive and energy-efficient systems. Whether optimizing indoor lighting, managing outdoor lighting in smart cities, or implementing responsive displays, the Light Intensity Register serves as a key tool for applications where real-time light intensity information is crucial.

1.42. Button Pressed

The Button Status Register serves as an input interface, providing information about the status of a button. When the button is pressed, the register sends a value of 1, indicating that the button is currently in an active or pressed state.

This register is commonly used in applications where user input or interaction with a physical button is essential. By monitoring the Button Status Register, the system can detect when the button is pressed, allowing for responsive actions or triggering specific functions in the application.

In user interface design, robotics, or any system with manual control elements, the Button Status Register helps capture user input, enabling the system to respond dynamically to button presses. This simple yet effective mechanism facilitates user engagement and interaction within various applications.

1.43. Present Distance

The Distance Register provides a real-time measurement of the distance between sensors and objects in a particular application. This register typically contains data in units such as millimeters or centimeters, representing the spatial separation between the sensors and nearby objects.

Applications that utilize distance measurements include various sensor-based systems like proximity sensors, ultrasonic sensors, or lidar sensors. These systems leverage distance information to detect the presence of objects, measure distances for navigation, or implement obstacle avoidance in robotics and autonomous vehicles.

Accessing the Distance Register allows users to continuously monitor and respond to changes in the spatial environment. This is particularly valuable in applications where awareness of object proximity is critical for safe and efficient operation. The register's data facilitates adaptive responses, enabling systems to navigate, interact, or perform tasks based on real-time distance information.

1.44. Joysticks

The Joystick Registers, including Joystick X, Joystick Y, and Joystick Button Registers, provide a means of capturing and transmitting input data from a joystick or similar input device. Each register serves a specific purpose:

  1. Joystick X Register:

    • This register contains information about the position or displacement of the joystick along the X-axis. The data typically ranges from a minimum value (indicating one extreme of the X-axis) to a maximum value (indicating the other extreme).

  2. Joystick Y Register:

    • Similar to the Joystick X Register, the Joystick Y Register captures the position or displacement of the joystick along the Y-axis. The data ranges from a minimum value to a maximum value, representing the joystick's position along the Y-axis.

  3. Joystick Button Register:

    • The Joystick Button Register provides information about the status of the joystick button. When the button is pressed, the register may transmit a specific value (e.g., 1) to indicate the active state.

These registers are commonly used in applications where joystick input is utilized, such as gaming controllers, remote control systems, or any interface that incorporates joystick-based navigation and control. By accessing these registers, a system can interpret and respond to user input, enabling dynamic and interactive functionality based on joystick movements and button presses.

1.45. QTR

The QTR (Reflectance Sensor) Registers, including QTR Left, QTR Right, and QTR Mid Registers, are likely components of a system utilizing reflectance sensors, particularly for line-following or edge detection applications. Each register serves a specific purpose:

  1. QTR Left Register:

    • This register likely provides information about the readings or data collected by the reflectance sensor on the left side of the sensor array. The data in this register may indicate the reflectance level or brightness detected on the left side of the sensor.

  2. QTR Right Register:

    • Similar to the QTR Left Register, the QTR Right Register likely contains data from the reflectance sensor on the right side of the sensor array. This data reflects the reflectance level or brightness detected on the right side of the sensor.

  3. QTR Mid Register:

    • The QTR Mid Register probably captures data from the central portion of the reflectance sensor array. This data is indicative of the reflectance or brightness level in the middle section of the sensor array.

These registers are commonly used in robotics or automation applications where precise tracking or navigation based on surface reflectance is required. For example, in line-following robots, the QTR sensor array can be used to detect and follow lines on the ground.

By accessing these registers, a system can interpret the reflectance data from different sections of the sensor array, allowing for dynamic and responsive control based on variations in surface characteristics.

1.46. Model Number

The Model Number Register stores the model number of the Actuator board. This register provides a convenient and standardized way for users or systems to retrieve information about the specific model or version of the Actuator board in use.

Accessing the Model Number Register allows users to programmatically identify the Actuator board model, facilitating compatibility checks, version-specific configurations, or ensuring that the correct firmware or software is used with the corresponding hardware.

This register is particularly useful in scenarios where multiple models or versions of the Actuator board exist, and it's essential to differentiate between them for proper system operation, maintenance, or troubleshooting. It serves as a key piece of information for effectively managing and interacting with the Actuator board in diverse applications.

1.47. Firmware Version

The Firmware Version Register contains information about the firmware version installed on the Actuator board. This register provides a standardized way for users or systems to query and retrieve the current firmware version, allowing for effective version management and compatibility checks.

Accessing the Firmware Version Register is useful for various purposes, including:

  1. Version Compatibility: Users can check the firmware version to ensure that it is compatible with the software or control systems they are using.

  2. Maintenance and Upgrades: It facilitates tracking the installed firmware version, aiding in maintenance tasks and providing a basis for deciding whether to upgrade to a newer firmware release.

  3. Troubleshooting: When diagnosing issues or seeking support, knowing the firmware version is essential for understanding the system's current state and determining if any updates or patches are available.

  4. Documentation: The firmware version information is often referenced in documentation and technical specifications, providing users with essential details about the Actuator board's capabilities and features.

By incorporating the Firmware Version Register, the Actuator board ensures transparency and compatibility, streamlining the process of managing firmware-related aspects for users and system administrators.

1.48. Error Count

The Total Errors Register serves as a valuable diagnostic tool on the Actuator board by maintaining a count of errors encountered since the last reboot. Each time an error occurs, this register increments by 1, providing a cumulative count of the total errors experienced by the Actuator.

This register is instrumental in diagnosing issues within the Actuator system. By monitoring the Total Errors Register, users or system administrators can gain insights into the frequency and nature of errors. For instance:

  1. Communication Issues: A consistently high error count, coupled with a raised communication error flag in the status register, may indicate problems with the communication bus connections or potential issues with the protocol implementation.

  2. Fault Isolation: The Total Errors Register aids in isolating and identifying specific error-prone areas within the Actuator system. Analyzing error patterns can guide users in troubleshooting and addressing underlying problems.

  3. Maintenance Planning: Keeping track of the total error count over time allows for proactive maintenance planning. Users can schedule inspections or interventions based on the error history to prevent potential issues from escalating.

By incorporating the Total Errors Register, the Actuator board enhances its diagnostic capabilities, empowering users to address and rectify issues promptly, improving system reliability, and facilitating efficient maintenance practices.

2. Protocol Overview

The protocol is working on a UART interface at up to 9M baud. Each package transmitted from the master device needs to be followed by a delay of minimum 1-byte-long of the selected baud rate at the time. However, a 2-byte-long delay is recommended to tolerate any possible timing issues since UART is an asynchronous communication interface.

Each package must have a preliminary information part before data bytes and an MPEG2 CRC32 value at the end of the package. These values are disclosed in Table 1. The whole communication protocol is based on little-endian architecture.

Note: If the user wants to broadcast a command to all the slave devices in the communication line, Device ID field should set to 0xFF. When a broadcast massage is transmitted, no reply will be received from any of the Actuators on the bus.

2.1.1. Ping Command

When the Actuator receives a package with a ping command, it will reply to the user with a ping package. The only difference between two packages is the 4th byte of the package that has been sent to the Actuator is the status register of the device.

2.1.2. Write Command

When the user wants to change the registers of the Actuator, the user should send a package that contains information about the required register pointers and register values with this command. The user should place pointer values and register data in the data field of the package template according to the given example below.

2.1.3. Read Command

When the user wants to read the registers of the Actuator, the user should send a package that contains information about the required register pointers with this command. The user should place pointer values in the data field of the package template according to the given example below.

2.1.4. EEPROM Write Command

When the user wants to save already-written data to the non-volatile memory of the Actuator, should send a package with this command. Actuators do not respond this command. Execution of this command takes about 300ms since writing to flash memory is a relatively slow operation. Keeping torque output disabled is recommended but not mandatory while sending this command.

2.1.5. Reboot Command

When the user wants to reboot the device, should send a package with this command. The device will be rebooted immediately and all parameters on the RAM will be replaced with the values that stored on the EEPROM.

2.1.6. Factory Reset Command

When the user wants to replace all parameters with the default ones, should send a package with this command. When this command is sent, Actuator is going to reset all parameters to their out-of-factory values, including ones that are saved to the EEPROM.

2.1.7. Error Clear Command

When the user wants to clear any errors on the Actuator, should send a package with this command. Users should set the status field of the package with the flags of the errors that will be cleared. To clear all errors, the user should set the status field to 0xFF. For details of error flags, see the Status register description.

2.1.8. ACK Flag

When the user wants to get a reply from Actuator after write command, should set the 7th bit of the command register. If the user sends ACK, the Actuator will return all of its parameters as the reply. Ping packages always get replies from the Actuators.


PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) control is a widely employed algorithm in diverse control systems, regulating variables like temperature, flow, pressure, and more. Autotuning, a crucial aspect of PID control, involves automatically adjusting the controller's parameters to enhance its performance. The benefits of autotuning PID controllers are numerous and impactful:

  1. Improved Control Performance: Autotuning optimizes the PID controller's parameters, including proportional, integral, and derivative gains. This optimization results in a controller that can achieve faster and more precise control of the process variable. By fine-tuning these parameters automatically, the system can respond more effectively to changes in the controlled variable.

  2. Reduced Setup Time: Autotuning eliminates the need for manual tuning, significantly reducing the time and effort required to set up a PID controller. Instead of relying on trial-and-error methods, autotuning algorithms systematically adjust the controller's parameters, streamlining the setup process and making it more efficient.

  3. Better Response to Process Changes: Autotuning equips PID controllers to adapt dynamically to changes in the controlled process, such as variations in load or operating conditions. This adaptability ensures that the controller remains stable and responsive, minimizing the need for frequent manual adjustments. The ability to respond swiftly to process changes contributes to the overall robustness of the control system.

  4. Enhanced Stability and Efficiency: The combined effect of improved performance, reduced setup time, and adaptability to process changes contributes to the overall stability and efficiency of the control system. Autotuning helps maintain control in a variety of operating conditions, leading to more reliable and effective regulation of the controlled variable.

In summary, autotuning PID controllers play a vital role in optimizing control system performance. By automating the parameter tuning process, these controllers achieve faster response times, reduce setup efforts, and adapt seamlessly to dynamic process conditions. The result is a more stable, efficient, and robust control system capable of delivering precise and reliable control across a range of applications.

Minimum output required for motor motion

The minimum voltage requirement for an electric motor is a critical consideration in ensuring proper startup and continuous operation. The minimum voltage is essential for initiating the motor's rotation and sustaining the necessary current flow to generate the magnetic field crucial for producing torque.

Here are key points to elaborate on this concept:

  1. Initiating Rotation:

    • The electric motor relies on an initial surge of current to create the magnetic field required for torque generation. This is particularly crucial during the startup phase when the motor transitions from a standstill to rotation.

  2. Generating Torque:

    • To produce torque, the motor must maintain a sufficient magnetic field. This is achieved by ensuring that the current flowing through the motor is at an adequate level. Below a certain voltage threshold, the current may be insufficient, leading to a failure to generate the necessary magnetic field, causing the motor to either not start or stall if already running.

  3. Preventing Stalling:

    • In the case of an already running motor, if the supplied voltage drops below the minimum required level, the motor may stall. Stalling occurs when the motor cannot overcome the load or friction opposing its rotation due to insufficient current.

  4. Ensuring Reliable Operation:

    • To prevent these undesirable scenarios, it is crucial to provide the motor with a voltage equal to or higher than the specified minimum. This ensures that the motor receives the necessary current to establish and sustain the magnetic field, allowing for reliable and efficient operation.

In summary, the minimum voltage requirement for an electric motor is a fundamental parameter for ensuring proper functionality, preventing stalling, and promoting reliable operation. Adhering to the specified minimum voltage guidelines is essential for optimizing motor performance and longevity in various applications.

Ziegler Nichols

Indeed, the Ziegler-Nichols method is a classic and widely used technique for autotuning PID controllers. Developed in the 1940s by John G. Ziegler and Nathaniel B. Nichols, this method offers a straightforward approach to determining optimal values for the proportional, integral, and derivative gains of a PID controller.

The key steps involved in the Ziegler-Nichols method include:

  1. System Identification:

    • Conduct a step response test on the system. This involves applying a step input to the system and observing the response. The resulting data helps identify the critical parameters needed for PID tuning.

  2. Determination of Ultimate Gain (Ku) and Ultimate Period (Tu):

    • Analyze the step response data to find the ultimate gain (Ku), which is the gain value at which the system's output oscillates continuously. Additionally, determine the ultimate period (Tu), the time taken for one complete oscillation.

  3. Calculating PID Parameters:

    • Use Ku and Tu to calculate the proportional (P), integral (I), and derivative (D) gains for the PID controller. The Ziegler-Nichols method provides specific formulas for these calculations based on the type of controller (e.g., P-only, PI, or PID).

  4. Setting Initial Parameters:

    • Start with the calculated P, I, and D gains as initial values for the PID controller.

  5. Fine-Tuning:

    • If necessary, further adjust the parameters based on the system's response and performance requirements.

The Ziegler-Nichols method is known for its simplicity and effectiveness, making it a popular choice for autotuning PID controllers, especially in scenarios where a detailed model of the system is not readily available. However, users should exercise caution and monitor the system closely during tuning to ensure stability and optimal performance.

Cohen Coon

The Cohen-Coon tuning method, developed by Norm Cohen and Bernard Coon in the 1960s, is another valuable approach for autotuning PID controllers. Like the Ziegler-Nichols method, Cohen-Coon relies on a step response test to determine optimal proportional, integral, and derivative gains for the controller. This method is considered more conservative than Ziegler-Nichols, prioritizing stability.

Here are the key steps involved in the Cohen-Coon method:

  1. Maximum Speed Calculation:

    • Calculate the maximum speed that the motor can reach. It's crucial to operate at half power to avoid damage to the motor and the system.

  2. Dead Time (td) Calculation:

    • Determine the dead time (td) in the system. Dead time is the time delay between a change in the controller output and the corresponding change in the process variable (PV).

  3. Time Constant (𝜏) Calculation:

    • Calculate the time constant (𝜏), representing the time difference between the intersection at the end of dead time and the PV reaching 63% of its total change. This is a critical parameter in determining the system dynamics.

  4. Gp Calculation:

    • Calculate the process gain (Gp), which is the change in the PV divided by the change in the controller output (CO), both expressed as percentages. This quantifies the sensitivity of the system to changes in the controller output.

    • Gp = change in PV [in %] / change in CO [in %]

  1. Set Controller Gains:

    • Set the proportional, integral, and derivative gains of the PID controller to the recommended values based on the Cohen-Coon method.

The Cohen-Coon method is known for being more conservative compared to Ziegler-Nichols, resulting in a controller that is generally more stable. However, it's essential to note that while these tuning methods provide a good starting point, fine-tuning may still be required based on specific system characteristics and performance requirements. Ultimately, the choice between Ziegler-Nichols and Cohen-Coon depends on the desired trade-off between aggressive response and stability in a given control system.

Autotuner Method

Users have the flexibility to choose their preferred Autotuner method for the Actuator from the available options: Ziegler-Nichols and Cohen-Coon. However, it's important to note that both torque and the Autotuner must be enabled before selecting a tuning method.

Here's a summary of the available Autotuner methods and their configuration:

  1. Ziegler-Nichols Method:

    • Autotuner Method Register Setting: 0x02

    • Description: Selecting this method triggers the Actuator to autotune its control parameters using the Ziegler-Nichols method. This method typically involves a step response test to determine optimal proportional, integral, and derivative gains. Users should set the Autotuner method register to 0x02 to activate the Ziegler-Nichols tuning.

  2. Cohen-Coon Method:

    • Autotuner Method Register Setting: 0x03

    • Description: Opting for the Cohen-Coon method instructs the Actuator to autotune its control parameters according to the Cohen-Coon method. This method, like Ziegler-Nichols, often involves a step response test but is generally considered more conservative, emphasizing stability. Users should set the Autotuner method register to 0x03 to initiate the Cohen-Coon tuning process.

Before selecting either method, users must ensure that both torque and the Autotuner are enabled. This ensures that the Actuator is ready to undergo the autotuning process and that the resulting parameters align with the chosen method.

By providing users with a choice between Ziegler-Nichols and Cohen-Coon methods, the Actuator accommodates different preferences and requirements for tuning its control parameters, allowing for customization based on the specific needs of the control system.

RED Hardware Specifications

Here is a table of Hardware Specifications including Microcontrol Unit, Peripherals, Programmer, I/O Port Pins, Communication Ports, LEDs and Buttons, Input Power Source, Power Fuses and Dimensions.

Step Files:

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