Building Set

SMD has a rich world of mechanics as in electronics and software. The mechanic is one of the most important parts of an idea to turn into a project in physical. There is a variety of mechanical parts that all of them completes each other, thus, it takes the burden of searching for the A to Z to find compatible and suiting parts for their projects.


Plates are the essentials of the SMD mechanical parts. They allow the user to build any structure easily with more than 10 types of plates and much more type of parts to fit and connect together. All these well-designed mechanical parts creates a extensive robot ecosystem.


60° - 90° - 120° Joints

Joints are the parts used for to connect the other mechanical parts together. There are different types of joints in the SMD mechanical parts. There are angular joint types which are generally used to build the skeleton of the structure. These joint types are 60° - 90° - 120° joints, all three angles allow the user to build structures with different geometric attributes.

U Joint

There are also U joint and slot joint types of parts. U joint allows the user to build structurally dense, strong parts by supporting the plate system internally and holding the system tightly together.

Slot Joints

Slot joints are the parts that allow the most creativity with electronic cards and the SMD Add-on Modules. Slot joints can move freely through any hole on the plates, and they can move around the fixed hole, allowing the user to place any module or electronic card by using the mounting holes.


Pan Tilt Package

The pan-tilt package contains the parts of a pan-tilt mechanishm for building dynamic systems using an Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Module or a camera. This mechanism allows the user to build object avoidant or tracking systems and much more.

Add-on Mount Package

Add-on mount package includes two different form factor mounts, a horizontal one and a vertical one. They offer solutions for different scenarios. The horizontal mount can be used in a line follower robot to position the Reflectance Sensor Module parallel to the ground. The vertical mount can be used with the Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Module as a collision avoidance system. Much more can be added to the examples due to the variety of add-on modules and ideas.

Motor L Mount Package

The motor L mount is simply used to connect and secure the motor to the plate, thus, creating a strong structure for a dynamic mobile system. The agility and movement capability of mobile robot systems are highly dependent on their motors, so it is important to ensure that the motor is robustly mounted.


Wheel Package

The wheels of a robotic system is the most important limb of a dynamic system. The wheel package contains all necessities to tightly mount and fix the wheel to the motor.

Ball Wheel Package

The ball wheel is a widely used component in robotic systems, generally with the two-wheeled ones. It helps to rotate freely any direction around the robot itself, thus, creating more mobility than a normal two-wheeled robot without a ball wheel.

Caster Wheel Package

The caster wheel adds more flexibility and mobility to the two-wheeled robots, just like the ball wheel. The caster wheel has its own advantages, such as more load capacity, which allows the vehicle to be higher from the ground. It is more suitable for larger mobile robots both in terms of mass and size.


Power Cables

Power cables simply provide the power that is necessary for the SMD to operate. SMDs have a unique future of power sharing capability with their power connectors on their both horizontal sides. Power cables allow the user to connect these connectors to each other, creating a daisy-chain of power system as long as the power supply is capable of powering the number of the SMDs and additional motors and modules.

RJ-11 Cables

RJ-11 cables provide the communication between SMD and PC (or Arduino and other portable computers) and other SMDs. One end of the RJ-11 cable is connected to the USB Gateway Module or Arduino Gateway Module in order to maintain a communication between the SMD and the system where the code will run, the other end of the RJ-11 cable is goes into the RJ-11 port of the SMD.

RJ-11 cables can also be used to connect more than one SMD, using their RJ-11 ports on horizontal sides. This capability allows the user to use as many as motors and modules.

RJ-45 Cables

RJ-45 cables are used to connect the add-on modules to the SMD and other modules together. The power and data transmit feature of the RJ-45 cables allow the user to connect lots of modules as in daisy-chain. The combination of the add-on modules is up to imagination.


There are several types of fasteners that are used to build with the kit. These are M2x5 Allen Hex Screw, M3x6 and M3x8 Allen Hex Screw, and M3 Hex Nut.

M2x5 Allen screws are used to mount the add-on modules using the slot joints.

M3x6 and M3x8 screws are used to mount the SMD and Motor L mount to the motor screw holes. Also, the M3 hex nut is used to connect the other mechanical parts, such as the pan-tilt mechanism and plates together.

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